

Teaching Philosophy

I believe the purpose of education is ultimately to develop students into successful and high functioning adults. This can be achieved by creating the best student experience possible and by teaching life lessons through music.           

In a music classroom students consistently learn the importance of teamwork in an ensemble because each individual's contribution is critical to the success of the group as a whole. Students understand the importance of patience and disciplined work strategies while they practice individually. Music helps students create and express themselves while forming connections between cultures. In a music classroom, students have the exciting opportunity to apply what they learn as they learn it, in a way that can extend to their lives outside and after school. 

Creating the best musical experience requires the combination of artistry and a specific, efficient teaching process. The conductor's role is to achieve musicality through ensemble clarity, in order to interpret repertoire accurately and artistically. I fundamentally believe that the conductor must strive to maximize the time and talent of the students by creating a system for accurately, efficiently, and effectively rehearsing the ensemble.